Volunteer / Contact Us

It all starts with you, the person willing to donate his or her time to helping our youth. You are the reason that we are able to do what we do. We all started as volunteers, and have put hundreds of hours into the YDGA. We greatly appreciate the time that you are willing to give to us. If you are considering volunteering for the YDGA, you would be working with kids between the ages of 5 to 18. Your services would be useful in a variety of ways, such as putting or upshot training, course management, and the different components of disc golf etiquette that work to instill good morals and values in today’s youth. All the events that we host are very rewarding and every event volunteer gets a free meal.
Signing up is easy, all you have to do is click the sign-up link and fill out the form. If you decide to donate your time, we will give you information on all the dates that we have events and the openings we need to fill. Thank you for being willing to donate your time.

13 Responses to “Volunteer / Contact Us”

  1. Jon Enyart Says:


    Hey there! We spoke briefly at Morley the other day about me volunteering for you guys. I just wanted to touch base and make sure you have my e-mail address and typical schedule. I usually work Wed-Sat 3p-1a, so am usually available Sun-Tues all day and then possibly some early afternoons on days that I work. It’s possible I can even get one or two more volunteers, one of them being female which may help with some of the younger girls in the group.

    Thanks again! Looking forward to working with you all,

    • youthdiscgolfassoc Says:

      Thank You again Jon for showing so much interest in helping the YDGA to teach kids the wonderful sport of disc golf and most importantly to show then how much fun it is to play. Thanks, Sage

  2. Steven Moore Says:

    hey YDGA,

    my name is Steven. i am an advanced disc golfer living up in petaluma (near san francisco). i was wondering if i could maybe get on a volunteer list if you guys have one. i’ve been looking for a way to give back to this sport and think this might be the way to do it. please E-mail me back.


    • youthdiscgolfassoc Says:

      Hi Steven,

      It is great to hear from you. I actually am up in the Bay Area once a month or so on business for my “real job”.  I lived up there for fifteen years before moving to San Diego a couple years ago.  I like to get in a round at Golden Gate or De La when I come up, but I will be too busy the next trip up.  Perhaps during my January or February trips up we can see about shooting a round together to get to know each other.  I havn’t played Novato yet…

      We need a point man for the Bay Area.  We are currently presenting clinics in San Diego and Orange Counties as well as producing training video segments for free viewing on our web site.  This weekend is the SoCal pro championships which I will be attending (not playing) and already have several pros happy to lend a hand.  This is a very cool and fun endeavor, and the more the merrier!  Our biggest need right now is tech help getting our on line store up and running. 

      In the Bay Area we need to establish a core group of volunteers, probably in coordination with the local clubs, that present free clinincs in junior and senior high schools and colleges, and form leagues that play at the local courses.  It is a big endeavor and we are planning on having our first leagues down here in the spring.  I don’t think it is unreasonable to think we could be ready to start presenting clinics in the Bay Area by April or May.  I’ll be in touch…                 Bang the Chains!   Scott Leebrick

      • Steven Moore Says:


        sounds cool. you could talk to most of the guys up here for help also. i know a lot of nice players. and next time your not busy. novato sounds good. we just had turkey shoot and the course is in all long. lots of fun. just tell me when and i’ll try my best to be there.

      • youthdiscgolfassoc Says:

        Awsome, we just shot the Turkey Shot in La Mirada, as well as the SoCal ams and Pros.� Lots of good video of Steve Rico, Bobby Musick, Chris Vil Morin, Carlo Pelg, Paul McBeth, and many others .�I’ll let you know when its up to view.��Soon after editing…��� � Best Regards, � R.Scott Leebrick

  3. Andrew Choate Says:

    You guys were at La Mirada for the Socal Am championships last weekend. I played a couple rounds with Sage, saw his shirt, and want to get involved. I already work with kids and discsports through LAUSD, so please send me an email.

  4. Disc Golf Live video magazine Says:

    Excellent video of the ace, gentlemen!

    I’m always looking for great content to spice up my TV show and this would make a nice bit of video for viewers. Or if you plan to expand the story using the other footage which was captured, that would be even better. Anyhow, I’d be interested in helping you folks promote the YDGA through broadcast TV. DGL is seen on 100+ public and community access stations from coast to coast. More details at my website.

    Also, I see you are planning instructional videos, and those too would make great content for my show, particularly nice since there will be a kid theme, something missing from most how-to pieces.

    Like you guys, I’m all about promoting our sport and would welcome the chance to help the YDGA get more bang out of your efforts via some nationwide publicity.

    Pass this message along to others on your team, and let me know what folks think.

    Best regards,

    Joe Wander
    Producer and Editor
    Disc Golf Live video magazine
    Bringing DG to TV, one community at a time

  5. Sadie Sponsler Says:

    Hi Sage,
    I met you at Joe’s Christmas gathering last weekend. I am a dietitian that works in the middle schools in Lemon Grove. I work with 6th-8th graders in their after school program. I would love to talk to about a potential partnership with your organization and my students. I am a big fan of all flying discs. My email is ssponsl@lgsd.k12.ca.us.
    Happy Holidays!
    Ps.. I accidentally posted my comment under your photo gallery instead of here. My apologies!

  6. Andorra Says:

    Last spring, in June of 2009, the YDGA came to Oak Hill Elementary to put on a clinic for my fifth grade class and one other fifth grade class. We had sixty kids learning the rules, etiquette, body movements, and fun of disc golf for two hours on campus. the YDGA guys, Scott, Sage, and Wesley, along with Scott’s wife Laura and my boyfriend Ed, split the kids into five groups of ten and set up five disc golf baskets on our soccer field. The kids were instantly engaged from the moment the YDGA arrived with the discs and baskets, asking questions and eager to help set up. Once we started, the kids were all business. Cones were set up in front of the baskets and each YDGA member were assigned to a group of ten. Each group worked together to learn the sport and practice the rules, body movement, and etiquette. After some practice, the guys organized a series of relay races with the kids that ranged in length to practice putting, mid-range, and distance throws. The kids listened intently, showed respect to the YDGA guys, learned new skills, and most importantly had fun! I would highly recommend the YDGA for all youth group, school, and camp activities. Thanks for your hard work!

    Andorra Hamilton

  7. Al Springer Says:


    I’m and advanced player in Oregon. I’ve been looking for a way to disc golf going at our local Boys & Girls Clubs in Southern Oregon along with holding some events for youth. Let me know if there is anything I can do up here in the great northwest to help get things going.


    Al Springer

  8. alex m nadelhoffer Says:

    Hey I love Disc Golf. I was born in 1990. I stumbled upon Disc Golf last year. I had no idea it even existed. I’ve met alot of great people that have helped me out with my game SIGNIFICANTLY. I’ve always been an athlete. I coached a 5th grade basketball team when I was in 8th grade. I’ve always thought of helping kids learn a sport, along with life lessons, tieing them together, is my calling. I’m leaving for school within the next 4-6 weeks, and I will probably earn my degree in a little over 13-15 months. I would love to know how I can help support this mission. I will still have access to the internet. Please let me know. I have big idea’s for local youth, and eventually expanding and being as big a part of this program as possible. Please get back to me @ Alex Nadelhoffer via Facebook to let me know what I can do. Thanks!

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